日 期:
2024/11/26 (二) 14:30~16:30
理律法律事務所三樓大會議室(台北市信義區忠孝東路四段555號) 【捷運板南線市政府捷運站步行約5分鐘】
理律法律事務所、KOCHHAR & CO.
聯 絡 人:
理律法律事務所 陳秘書 電話:(02)2763-8000 分機2299/Email: banking@leeandli.com
※本研討會免費參加,全場以英文演說,不設中文口譯,誠摯邀請您共襄盛舉。名額有限,請儘早報名。 ※本研討會僅以實體進行,不另開放線上參加,敬請見諒。 ※主辦單位保留報名資格審核與確認權,是否報名成功,本所將另外以電子郵件通知。由於座位有限,若同一單位之報名人數超過二人,本所可能需要予以協調,尚請見諒。 ※若遇疫情、天候或不可抗力之突發因素,主辦單位保留活動日期及議程變更之權利。
- 報到
- 開幕致詞
- 理律法律事務所
- 赴印度投資 / Investment in India
Mr. Rohit Kochhar, Kochhar & Co. 律師事務所
Mr. Pradeep Ratnam, Kochhar & Co. 律師事務所
- 休息與交換名片 (Coffee Break)
- 印度之智慧財產權議題 / IP issues in India
Mr.Tarvinder Singh, Kochhar & Co. 律師事務所
- 綜合討論 (Q&A)
Over the last few years, India’s economic and regulatory landscapes have experienced significant transformation, establishing it as a prominent destination for foreign investors. The Indian government’s initiatives, such as 'Make in India,' 'Digital India,' and 'Smart Cities,' offer abundant opportunities for collaboration between Taiwan and India. Currently, there are more than 250 Taiwanese companies operating in India with investments of billions of US dollars. India is keen on expanding cooperation with Taiwan and the Indian government is actively working to create a favourable ecosystem to attract further investments from Taiwanese companies.
The Client Seminar will provide insights into the current legal and regulatory landscape for foreign companies doing business in India, along with relevant intellectual property considerations. The panel of speakers will cover the following topics:
• 印度外資政策概覽
Overview of India's foreign investment policy
• 印度對外國投資的限制(有關特定行業部門及國別)
Restrictions on foreign investments in India (sectoral and neighbouring countries specific)
• 適當的法人(公司)實體形式
Appropriate form of legal entity
• 外國投資者的相關法律與監管問題
Relevant legal and regulatory issues for foreign investors
• 適用法律與爭議解決
Governing law and dispute resolution
• 智慧財產權保護:了解印度背景下的專利、商標、著作權和設計,包括智慧財產權註冊和保護
Intellectual property protection: Understanding patents, trademarks, copyrights, and designs in the Indian context including IP registration and protection
• 與外國投資者相關的印度稅務問題
Indian taxation issues relevant to foreign investors
• 相關的印度勞動法令,包括最佳實務做法
Relevant Indian employment law and regulations including best practices
Kochhar & Co. (“Firm”) is one of India’s pre-eminent corporate law firms.
With a full-service presence in seven (7) prominent cities namely New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Gurgaon, Hyderabad and Chandigarh and four (4) overseas offices – Dubai, Singapore, Chicago, and Toronto, Kochhar & Co. has a reputation for cutting edge legal expertise, clear and commercially driven advice, and an unwavering commitment to our clients’ needs through delivering bespoke, sustainable, and innovative legal solutions.
We pride ourselves on adapting technology and international best practices to a deeply Indian business ethos; with an advisory philosophy that places sustainable legal solutions for our clients at its centre and core.
![]() Mr. Rohit Kochhar
Chairman & Managing Partner of Kochhar & Co.
Mr. Kochhar is the founding member & managing partner of Kochhar & Co. and has rich and diverse professional experience of over 37 years. He is actively involved in advising numerous Global Fortune 500 Corporations on a wide range of legal matters in India. His practice areas include General Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Employment, White-Collar Crime & Investigations.
Mr. Kochhar has been consistently acclaimed as one of India’s top lawyers and is amongst the most decorated legal luminaries in the country. During the last three years, Forbes magazine has ranked Mr Kochhar has one of India's top managing partners. Amongst numerous other awards, Mr. Kochhar has also been the recipient of the International Council of Jurists Award conferred by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India for his distinctive accomplishments in the areas of corporate law. |
![]() Mr. Tarvinder Singh
Senior Partner, Kochhar & Co. (Intellectual Property Rights practice)
Mr. Singh has over 30 years of professional experience and has represented several global corporations across a wide spectrum of intellectual property issues. He regularly advises foreign and domestic clients on intellectual property matters related to patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and confidentiality. He is one of the few patent attorneys in India who has conducted live patent harvesting & ideation sessions with R&D units of clients.
![]() Mr. Pradeep Ratnam
Senior Partner, Kochhar & Co (Corporate & M&A practice)
Mr. Ratnam has over 24 years of multi-jurisdictional work experience and amongst other areas, advises on transactions in Corporate M&A, Banking, Projects & Structured Finance and Restructuring. With experience of over two decades in the UK, Singapore and in India, Mr. Ratnam advises on the legal aspects of cross border M&A, transaction structuring in India, FDI, financial regulation, complex due diligences and project financing.