Nein-Chin is primarily practicing on trademark prosecution, trademark dispute, trademark administrative suit; trademark enforcement, copyright protection and enforcement, domain name dispute and unfair competition in Taiwan and China. She provides clients with full pictures of the trademark and copyright protections in Greater China area, review of English and Chinese contracts and legal opinions, etc. She has long and sophisticated experience in providing international companies with proposals for trademark, copyright and domain name either prosecution or contentious fields.
She has long experience in handling trademarks, copyrights and domain names for whisky, wine and all kinds of alcohols business, pharmaceutical business, luxuries and apparels business. Her team has won the rewards from Jaguar Land Rover as a long and reliable trademark attorney in Taiwan. She has created the Chinese name 星巴克 for STARBUCKS. All of her client once cooperated with her has created long term business relationship.
Nein-Chin has been long-term member of various IP organizations, including INTA and PTMG.
Institute of Technology Law, National Chiao Tung University(2010)
Soochow University (LL.B )(1990)
Summer Program in United States Law and Legal Institutions, University of Wisconsin(1988)
Trademark Act; Trademark Prosecution and Enforcement; Trademark/Copyright Dispute Resolution; Unfair Competition Law; Domain Name Dispute Resolution